News — #nature
What the eye sees
#environment #nature #philosophy

One of my most favourite artists - Rubens - understood optics and illusions. It was a Renaissance and enlightenment obsession. Many artists, Vemeer for instance, Seurat for another were obsessed how light and perspective shape an image for the eye. Heady science really. A well known story too. Recently I was thinking how out of an overload of information our mind and eyes order the world. In landscape many artists select out all the chaos. Nature seems neat and tidy. But I’m playing with the idea - what if we include in as much information as we can. Maximalism. Are...

They used to refer to the pandemic as “The Great Pause”. I haven’t heard that in a while. What with the catastrophic consequences of this illness and public health crisis it’s hardly been a time of calm, quiet reflection. One thing for me that comes close to a time of peace has been my walks in nature. Nothing is more reassuring than the green and the flowers and fresh air. But still my mind is busy and distracted with worries. In years ahead when COVID is a distant memory I think I’ll still be distracted with worries. Why? Because before...
On Winter
#art #nature #seasons #trees #watercolour #winter

A good Canadian loves Winter. We have 6 months of cold and we had better like it. But let’s expose the secret - millions of snowbirds scatter to the winds come January and those of us left behind resent the fact we are left to fend for ourselves in the white cold wasteland! It’s hard on the body and mind. It’s hard on the spirit. But I am here to tell you there is nothing like snow. At least in terms of rendering it in Art. It isn’t only white but in shadow purple, lavender, sky blue, navy blue etc. Just...
The tree of life
#ancient #art #environment #native #nature #organic #paper #philosophy #treeoflife #watercolour #wisdom

This is the Tree of Life painted in 2019. It's a symbolic emblem of the ancient theory of everything. Heaven and earth, knowledge, and myth. It's ancient and wise. I think wherever you are and whoever you are the meaning is immediate. There is wisdom and ancient connections in this symbol. Its popular even today. Wikipedia The tree of life is a fundamental widespread mytheme or archetype in many of the world's mythologies, religious and philosophical traditions. It is closely related to the concept of the sacred tree. The tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, and...
Climate change and the Arts
#artists #critics #environment #nature My recommendations for those seeking solutions via the arts