News — #organic
The tree of life
#ancient #art #environment #native #nature #organic #paper #philosophy #treeoflife #watercolour #wisdom

This is the Tree of Life painted in 2019. It's a symbolic emblem of the ancient theory of everything. Heaven and earth, knowledge, and myth. It's ancient and wise. I think wherever you are and whoever you are the meaning is immediate. There is wisdom and ancient connections in this symbol. Its popular even today. Wikipedia The tree of life is a fundamental widespread mytheme or archetype in many of the world's mythologies, religious and philosophical traditions. It is closely related to the concept of the sacred tree. The tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, and...
organic vs messy

Organic shapes and patterns are not always pleasing. Whatever it is in the human brain we want to see patterns, decode them, and store them. Western art has only recently come to be comfortable with the immediate formed and instantaneous. Much of formal art teaching in the past was about traditional skill making, meticulous conformity to what is acceptable beauty. In the East wabi-sabi was the hallmark of Japanese art. The acceptance of the accidental and imperfect. I would say that abstract expressionism comes close to this basic zen art form. But not entirely. There is spiritual quality in wabi-sabi...